Merve Keskin
Division Coordinator
A good knowledge of a foreigner language is essential in the world of art, fashion and fine cuisine, but also in the area of diplomacy, international trade and coooperation. Nowadays globalised world requires cultural sensitivity, strong communication skills and creative problem solving in order to be highly competitive.
With this awareness, as the Modern Languages Division of the Departement of Foreign Languages, we provide our students the opportunity to learn a second or a third foreigner language besides English.
Why French?
Do you dream of travelling and studying in France or in Québec? Would you like to work on projects with Africa? Do you want to became a dipolmat or work for French international companies?
This beautiful language is very important to the world of art, literature, hight-end fashion and fine cuisine. French is also emplyed as the official working language in many international organisation, such as: Council of Europe, UN, International Criminal Court, EU, NATO, OECD, African Union, Organisation of Islamic Cooperation, International Olympic Committee, FIFA…
For these and many other reasons, enjoy the challange of learning french.
Pourquoi le français?
Vous rêvez de voyager et étudier en France ou au Québec? Vous aimeriez travailler dans le cadre d’un projet de coopération en Afrique? Vous voulez devenir diplomate ou travailler pour des entreprises internationales françaises?
Cette langue magnifique est très importante dans les domaines des arts plastiques, de la littérature, de la haute-couture et de la gastronomie. En outre, le français est également employé en tant que langue de travail officielle dans de nombreuses organisations internationales, telles que le Conseil de l’Europe, l’ONU, la Cour criminelle internationale, l’UE, l’OTAN, l’OCDE, l’Union africaine, l’Organisation de la coopération islamique, le Comité international olympique, la FIFA…
Pour ces raisons et bien d’autres encore, relevez le défi d’étudier le français.
Coralie Forget
French Instructor
Aslin Kalostyan
French Instructor
Why Chinese?
Do you want to speak the most widely spoken language in the world? Would you like to get to know a language that has deep roots with over 5000 years of history to back it up? Do you want to get access to the world’s second-largest economic power and benefit yourself from knowing their language?
This magical language has culturally shaped to countries like Korea, Japan, Singapore, including their educational institutions and languages, Which means knowing Chinese is not only knowing Chinese but knowing the whole of Asia. Chinese is also the official working language of the UN, one of the most commonly used Languages of world business, a key to the most ancient and mysterious culture in the world.
With knowing Chinese, you can easily open up a door to Far Eastern culture, Far Eastern history, Far Eastern food, world biggest growing economy and so much more…….Learning Chinese is one of the best investments you can make.
For those and many other reasons, enjoy get enter ito a new world by learning Chinese.
Azigu Aili
Chinese Instructor
Why Russian?
Unpredictable past of unresolved aspiring… Vast space and striking scale of the country’s natural wealth… Enigmatic culture and controversial Literature, overwhelming Folk Arts and penetrating High Arts, and beautiful Architecture… Advanced Science Schools and Technologies of Outer and Nuclear Space… Cutting Edge engines, planes and helicopters, ships and submarines… Brilliant university winners of the World Competitions in Chemistry, Mathematics, Informatics and Programming… Artificial intelligence and its own processors production… Rapidly growing trade markets… Are you ready for a ride into the official language of the UN and the Space Station, into the second language of the Internet? Get onboard, hold on your books fast: you won’t forget it. Let’s study Russian.
Почему русский?
Непредсказуемое прошлое несвершившихся устремлений... Огромные пространства и поразительные масштабы природных богатств... Загадочная культура и противоречивая литература, ошеломительные народные промыслы, проникновенное искусство и прекрасная архитектура... Выдающиеся научные школы и технологии космического и атомного уровня... Передовые двигатели, самолёты и вертолёты, корабли и подводные лодки... Блестящие победы студентов на всемирных соревнованиях по химии, математике, информатике и программированию... Искуственный интеллект и производство своих процессоров... Быстро растущие торговые рынки... Вы готовы отправиться в путешествие в официальный язык ООН и Космической станции, во второй по популярности язык в Интернете? Тогда добро пожаловать на борт, держитесь за книги покрепче: такое не забудется. Начинаем учить русский.
Assem Amirzhanova
Russian Instructor
Why Spanish?
According to Istinye University Spanish students these are the most important reasons to learn Spanish:
• Spanish is spoken in more than 20 countries. Therefore, learning Spanish gives you a chance to communicate with more than 400 million people.
• Spanish is one of the most popular languages in today’s global marketplace, so the job opportunities it provides are numerous.
• I love the harmony of Spanish language; I love the pronunciation and its one of the most beautiful languages in the world.
• I love Latin music, salsa, bachata, reggaeton and cumbia, Latin music has the rhythm and every time I speak Spanish I feel like dancing
• While learning Spanish I got the chance to learn about Colombia and its culture, these lessons are never boring.
• It is ranked first in the ranking among the languages of the future.
Por que español?
Según los estudiantes de español de la Universidad Istinye, estas son las razones más importantes para aprender español:
• El español se habla en más de 20 países. Por lo tanto, aprender español te brinda la oportunidad de comunicarte con más de 400 millones de personas.
• El español es uno de los idiomas más populares en el mercado global actual, por lo que las oportunidades de trabajo que ofrece son numerosas.
• Me encanta la armonía del idioma español; Me encanta la pronunciación y es uno de los idiomas más bellos del mundo.
• Me encanta la música latina, la salsa, la bachata, el reggaetón y la cumbia, la música latina tiene mucho ritmo y cada vez que hablo español tengo ganas de bailar
• Mientras aprendía español tuve la oportunidad de aprender sobre Colombia y su cultura, estas clases nunca son aburridas.
• Ocupa el primer lugar en el ranking entre los idiomas del futuro.
Esniht Yuliet Atehortua Mesa
Spanish Instructor
Why learning Arabic
Arabic is the fifth most spoken language in the world. It is spoken by nearly 313 million people in the world. Not to mention it’s the language of the holy Qoran.
Learning Arabic will not only broaden your view of the world but also will make your CV stand out from the crowd and will help you get a job in the Middle East or North Africa or Turkey considering the trade market and tourism which are booming due to the Arab influx.
اللغة العربية هي خامس أكثر اللغات تحدثًا في العالم. يتحدث بها ما يقرب من 313 مليون شخص في العالم. ناهيك عن أنها لغة القرآن الكريم.
إن تعلم اللغة العربية لن يوسع رؤيتك للعالم فحسب ، بل سيجعل سيرتك الذاتية متميزة عن الآخرين وسيساعدك في الحصول على وظيفة في الشرق الأوسط أو شمال إفريقيا أو تركيا بالنظر إلى السوق التجاري والسياحة المزدهرة بسبب التدفق العربي.
Noorhan Qasim Mohammed Alani
Arabic Instructor
Why Italian?
Do you dream of visiting the charming streets of Venice and Rome? Do you love the Opera and the old black-and-white italian films? Would you like to learn a language which is a celebration of beauty, passion and love of life?
Italy has the most UNESCO world heritage sites and gave birth to Renaissance and humanism. It is a wornderful place to travel, study and work.
The Italian language is a valuable asset for careers in fashion and design, art history, wine and food sectors, tourism, finance, economics and more.
For these and many other reasons, deepen your understanding and enjoyment of the italian language and culture with us.
Perché l’italiano?
Sogni di visitare le affascinanti strade di Venezia e Roma? Adori l’Opera e i vecchi film italiani in bianco e nero? Vuoi imparare una lingua nella quale sono state celebrate bellezza, passione e amore per la vita?
L’Italia è il paese con il maggior numero di siti UNESCO nel mondo e ha dato vita al Rinascimento e all’umanisimo. È un magnifico paese in cui viaggiare, studiare e lavorare.
L’italiano è poi una preziosa risorsa per chi voglia intraprendere una carriera non soltanto nell’ambito della moda, del design, della storia dell’arte, della gastronomia e del turismo, ma anche nella finanza, nell’economia e in molti altri settori.
Per queste e innumerevoli altre ragioni, approfondisci la tua conoscenza della lingua e della cultura italiane con noi.
Valeria Marino
Italian Instructor
Why Turkish?
Turkish is the official language of Turkey and Northern Cyprus. In addition, it is a language spoken by many people in Iraq, Iran, Syria, Georgia, Greece, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Kosovo, Albania and Eastern Europe, the Balkans and the Caucasus.
Turkey is a very important point in terms of its geographical location. Turkey, which lands on both Asian and European continent, serves as a bridge between the two continents. Therefore, knowing Turkish offers career opportunities in many different fields such as trade, tourism and finance. At the same time, possessing beautiful beaches and historic cities, Turkey welcomes millions of tourists every year. Knowing Turkish will enable you to communicate with the people in those regions while exploring these natural beauties, thus making it much easier for you to learn about them.
Neden Türkçe?
Türkçe, Türkiye ve Kuzey Kıbrıs’ın resmi dilidir. Buna ek olarak, Irak, İran, Suriye, Gürcistan, Yunanistan, Bulgaristan, Makedonya, Kosova, Arnavutluk ve Doğu Avrupa, Balkanlar ve Kafkasya’daki birçok insanın konuştuğu bir dildir.
Türkiye coğrafi konumu dolayısıyla çok önemli bir noktada bulunmaktadır. Hem Avrupa hem de Asya kıtası üzerinde toprakları olan Türkiye, bu iki kıta arasında köprü görevi görmektedir. Bu yüzden, Türkçe bilmek ticaret, turizm ve finans gibi birçok farklı alanda kariyer fırsatı sunmaktadır. Aynı zamanda, sahip olduğu güzel plajları ve tarihi kentleri ile, Türkiye her yıl milyonlarca turisti ağırlamaktadır. Türkçe bilmek, bu doğal güzellikleri keşfederken o bölgelerdeki insanlar ile iletişim kurabilmenizi sağlayacak ve böylece onlar hakkında bilgi sahibi olmanızı büyük ölçüde kolaylaştıracaktır.
Tuğçe Yıldırım
Turkish Instructor
Beytullah Çınar
Turkish Instructor
Uğur Güden
Turkish Instructor
Why German?
Do you dream of visiting or studying in beautiful Germany? Do you love the wonderful mountains, lakes and rivers in Austria and Switzerland? Would you like to learn German which is the official language in 4 countries in Central Europe and is understood in many more countries all around Europe?
Germany has one of the best economies in the world is one of the most technically advanced countries. It is a wornderful place to travel, study and work.
Also Austria and Switzerland are highly advanced countries with wonderful people and great culture.
For these and many other reasons, deepen your understanding and enjoyment of the German language and culture with us.
Warum Deutsch?
Träumst du davon, im schönen Deutschland zu leben oder dort zu studieren?
Liebst du die wunderschönen Berge, Seen und Flüße in Österreich und der Schweiz? Möchtest du Deutsch lernen? Deutsch ist die offizielle Sprache in 4 Ländern in Mitteleuropa und wird in vielen anderen Ländern in Europa verstanden.
Deutschland hat eine der besten Wirtschaften der Welt und ist eins der technisch am besten entwickelten Länder. Es ist ein wunderbarer Ort um dorthin zu reisen, dort zu studieren und zu arbeiten.
Auch Österreich und die Schweiz sind hoch entwickelte Länder mit wundervollen Menschen und toller Kultur.
Aus diesen und vielen anderen Gründen solltest du Deutsch lernen und Deutschland und seine Kultur lieben zu lernen.
Christoph Nikolaus FRICKHINGER
German Instructor