Foreign Languages

Turkish Preparatory Division

Tuğçe Yıldırım

Tuğçe Yıldırım

Division Coordinator

Turkey has become an important country in the world regarding the opportunities that it provides to students in the field of education. Due to the facilities offered to students, the increasing quality of education and living standards, the number of foreign students who prefer Turkey for educational purposes is increasing day by day.

Turkish Preparatory Program offers Turkish courses for foreign students at Turkish-medium programs. It aims at enabling these students to be proficient enough to understand their departmental courses and to use Turkish in their studies.

Educational process

In Turkish Preparatory Program, students take level education and it lasts for two semesters. In each semester, students take education in two levels. (In the first semester: A1 and A2, in the second semester: B1 and B2) At the beginning of the term, foreign students registered for Turkish-medium departments are required to take Turkish proficiency exam before starting their departments. The students who get enough points can start their departments and the ones who get below 60 can start to take Turkish education at Turkish Preparatory Program. Our Turkish program offers 20 hours of Turkish a week.

Exams Accepted by the University for Exemption

  • Students can take the Turkish proficiency exam offered by our university’s Turkish Preparatory Program. At the end of this exam, the students who get 60 or above can start their departments.
  • Students who submit the document which shows they have successfully completed B2 in Turkish can start their departments. (Only documents taken from courses offered by universities are accepted.)