Foreign Languages


Dear Students,

ISTEP exam will be held face-to-face on Friday, October 13, 2023. The exam session will start at 10:00. You can learn your exam room and time by searching your student number in the student list below. Please be in your exam room 15 minutes before the exam time. Latecomers will not be accepted to the exam.

Your exam will be held in the FLED Hall building. Please do not forget to bring exam materials such as a pencil, eraser, etc. You must present an identity card (Student Card, National Identity Card, Passport, Driver's License, etc.) at the beginning of the exam.

Important Note: There is no make-up exam for ISTEP. So, no excuses will be accepted for the exam.

From the link below, you can access the samples for ISTEP exam which includes only one listening, one reading an one writing.