Foreign Languages


Dear Students,

Those who are eligible to take the ISTEP exam which will be held on Friday, August 18th, 2023, can see their classes and Zoom links in the file titled ISTEP AUGUST 2023 ELIGIBILITY LIST. The ISTEP exam will start at 10:00 am and those who join the Zoom meeting after 10:20 will not be accepted to the exam.

Our students must be careful about especially three issues during the exam:

- They must attend the exam with two devices (one computer and one smart phone).
- They must join the Zoom meeting with their phones and solve the exam on Blackboard with their computers.
- They must attend the Zoom meeting with their smart phone cameras.

The link of the Zoom meetings that you need to attend during the exam are shared in the document below titled ISTEP AUGUST 2023 ELIGIBILITY LIST. All students must join the Zoom link that is assigned at the top of the page where their name is listed at 10:20 the latest. Students must join the Zoom meeting with their İSÜ email accounts and with their full names. Students who cannot open the link can use the Meeting Codes provided to them in the list.

Students who will take the exam at our computer laboratories can find their names at the last page of the list. These students must be at FLED Hall Computer Lab at 10:00 am.

Note 1: Students who are eligible to take ISTEP are responsible for carefully reading and applying the following documents that explain the exam rules and procedures. The exams of the students who do not apply the rules in these documents will be invalid.

Note 2: There is no make-up or repetition of the ISTEP exam for those who missed it