Foreign Languages

Upcoming English Proficiency Exams for Newly-Registered International Students

Dear International Students,

We want to inform you about the ISTEP-IS (English Proficiency Exam for Newly-Registered International Students) for the next academic year. This exam is required for starting your university education, either in the English Preparatory Program or your department.

The ISTEP-IS will be administered only twice before the start of the semester. You are required to arrange your arrival to participate in one of the following exam sessions. Please note that no additional exam dates or exceptions will be granted. The semester officially begins on October 9, 2024. Missing these exams will result in a delay in starting your studies.

Details about the exam location and start time will be announced one week before each exam date. Here are the exam dates for this semester:

  1. ISTEP-IS: September 20, 2024
  2. ISTEP-IS: September 27, 2024

If you have any questions, please refer to the attached document.
